How People View Individuals with IDD in Society and Life
How people see individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in life and society varies significantly. Some people believe that individuals with IDD cannot do things on their own and are constantly in need of assistance . Others, however, view them as equal members of society who are fully capable of completing tasks independently. While some may speak at a typical pace, others may be slower in their response time as they process information, but that does not diminish their abilities or worth. In some cases, society may hold the belief that people with IDD are incapable of doing things for themselves and need constant help. There is a misconception that they cannot perform tasks at jobs or engage in daily life activities. However, with the right accommodations and accessibility tools, individuals with IDD can thrive in the workplace and in society. Tools such as ramps, text-to-speech software, wheelchairs, and canes for visually impaired individuals provide...