Love is Universal (365 days a year)

 Hello lovely humans,

I hope that everyone had a beautiful February so far. With Black History Month going on and Valentine’s Day just passed last week, I want to touch on something super important to me and should be useful to everyone, especially during these tough times… love. 

When you think of love, you usually think of cute couples in movies holding hands while gazing at the stars or even a romantic boat ride in Italy (which is extremely cool, not gonna lie) but there’s a different kind of love that no one talks about often and that’s platonic love. 

Now according to the dictionary, platonic pretty much means love that doesn’t involve romance and that could mean so many things. For me, it’s my love for nature and my mother. My mother and I may not have the perfect mom-and-daughter relationship but there’s no doubt in my mind that she doesn’t love me. From being my #1 cheerleader and cheering me on when everyone bailed out on me, to even recently when I was sick and she went above and beyond to help me get better, that’s love. The great thing about platonic (or universal) love is that there are no rules, guidelines, nor you don’t have to spend any money to prove your love, you just love them as they are. 

I challenge every one of you to find someone that you know, text them and tell them that you love them or you can write 14 things that you are grateful for. There’s never a right or wrong time to spread love.

Continue to be kind to one another!

In love + light,

Jada Thompson


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