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 Back to Best Buddies 

Hometown Heroes: Best Buddies Friendship Walk

As summer slowly comes to an end, it is time to get excited to be more involved in Best Buddies again! Back to school also means back to Best Buddies for most students, as chapters are usually less involved in the summertime. Here are some ways to get back into the Best Buddies spirit this year: 

Get Back in Touch 

Regardless if you have been previously involved in your Best Buddies chapter, most chapters require you to sign up again each new school year. Reconnect to your chapter in the following ways: 

  1. Join any new Reminds or GroupMe chats to stay updated with information 
  2. Complete any membership forms provided by your chapter leaders to re-admit yourself into the BB360 system 
  3. Make sure you are following your chapter's social media accounts to not miss out on any new informational announcements 
  4. Attend any informational beginning of the year meetings for your chapter 
  5. Mark your calendar for upcoming events

Apply for a New Position 

If you are unable to be apart of an official Best Buddies chapter, then consider applying for a position that will continue your involvement in Best Buddies. Some cities have their own Student Advisory Boards that allow high school and college students to work towards Best Buddies on a larger scale. Reach out to your program manager to find out when applications will open and close. Additionally, if your city does not have an SAB, you can still be involved by being apart of the Ambassador Program. There are different tiers of leadership for each type of ambassador in the program. Again, more information about how to join can be found by contacting the program manager in your area.  

Start Your Own Chapter 

Finally, if your school or college campus does not have a Best Buddies chapter, you can start one! This will be a great way to bring Best Buddies to your campus for years to come. In order to start a chapter, reach out to your area's program manager for assistance and a detailed guide of all the steps. 

The YLC wishes you a great year and hopes to see you increase your involvement in Best Buddies this fall! 


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