It’s Champion Time!


Image Description: A purple and blue background with text that reads “Best Buddies Champion of the Year”.

        As an organization, Best Buddies is approaching its Champion of the Year season! Champion of the Year is a string of fundraising campaigns organized by local Best Buddies staff and leadership. Each year individuals are nominated to campaign for Champion of the Year, within their state, alongside a mission partner. The champion candidates work to raise funds and promote the mission of Best Buddies throughout their two month campaign. A gala is hosted at the conclusion of the campaigns to celebrate all of the candidates' hard work and to award the person who raises the most funds with the title, “Champion of the Year”. Participating in this program is a wonderful experience and these events play a critical role in funding Best Buddies. The money raised during the campaigns directly supports Best Buddies programs, a portion also creates additional fundraising opportunities and supports Best Buddies administration. 

We are lucky enough to have many Champion Candidates amongst our YLC members and leadership. I wanted to take the time to give our YLC Champions a shout out!

Vanessa Ocana is a Champion Candidate in California. Vanessa says, “My decision to become a champion candidate was inspired by my experience at the 2019 gala, where supporting a friend who was a nominee led to meaningful friendships and motivated me to get deeply involved with Best Buddies…I’m excited for Emily and me to continue our Champion of the Year journey together as Champion Candidate and Mission Partner.” Good luck, Vanessa!

Margo Meley will be campaigning for Champion of the Year in Connecticut and we are super excited to see all of her hard work throughout the campaign! Best of luck. 

Also from California, Ken Seto is another Champion Candidate! He says, “I'm thrilled to be a Best Buddies Champion of the Year candidate for a third year because Best Buddies' mission of inclusion aligns with my core values… I can't wait for the Champion of the Year Gala, where we'll have the opportunity to get to know the amazing Best Buddies participants, bid on fantastic auction items, celebrate the powerful impact that volunteers and partners are making in our communities, and crown the Champion of Inclusion!” Wishing you the best with your campaign, Ken!

I will be a Champion Candidate this year in New Hampshire and I am beyond excited for the opportunity to further support an organization that has given and taught me so much! I can’t wait to meet my mission partner and for my campaign to officially begin. 

I am sure you have heard the phrase, “Champions aren't born they're made” and that couldn't be truer with this event. Our champion candidates need your support! I encourage you to donate to a local Champion or one of our YLC Champions if you are able to. These Champions are made by YOU. Your kindness, generosity and support go a long way and it is very appreciated, both by our candidates and all of the participants across Best Buddies. 

Find the Champions with this link and Support Your Champion Here!

In friendship, 

Izabel Korbet

YLC Member, New Hampshire


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