How Best Buddies Changed the IDD Community's Approach to the Workforce

How Best Buddies Changed the IDD Community's Approach to the Workforce

Image Description: Amir sits at a wooden conference table, resting his chin on his hand, with a bright cityscape visible through large windows in the background.

Thanks to Best Buddies, many people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) now have jobs. Best Buddies helps employers hire people with IDD by making the roles and tasks of the job more accessible. A couple examples of this are companies installing ramps for wheelchair users; utilizing text-to-speech software for employees; creating organized lists for completing tasks; and providing individualized support systems.

For people with IDD interested in landing a job, Best Buddies also helps with resume skills and mock interviews, as well as talking to companies interested in providing integrated employment. Best Buddies works one-on-one with the individual to create a resumé tailored to their unique strengths. For example, the resumé may include the person's education, past work experiences, and technical skills they have.

Regarding mock interviews, Best Buddies helps prepare people with IDD for their job interviews by asking common questions and practicing successful responses to them. Best Buddies might also go to the actual job interview in case the person with IDD needs support with understanding a question posed by the interviewer or expressing their response in a certain way. Above all, Best Buddies supports job applicants every step of the way and encourages companies to practice inclusive hiring, as people with IDD are fully capable and willing to take on the roles and responsibilities of a new position!

In today’s world, the workforce is more open to people with disabilities than in past years. However, there are still some organizations and fields of work that may not accept people with disabilities. Best Buddies helps combat this issue by helping workplaces in the community implement different accommodations for various tasks.

I am a person with IDD that works as an office assistant at a law firm in Los Angeles. For my job, I have a cart where I put all my supplies so I won’t forget the items that I need. I also have a list that includes all of the equipment for conference rooms and kitchens. Throughout the day, I pace myself so I can work my way up to more than one task at a time.

Though I’ve only worked at my firm for a little while, I feel very supported in my work environment, having learned valuable skills such as time management and organization. I hope my story empowers other people with IDD to find workplaces that are supportive to them. With Best Buddies, people with IDD can find jobs that are a perfect fit for them in their community!

In friendship,

Amir Geva

YLC Member, California


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